A Country I would like to visit


Hi everyone, today I'm going to talk about a Country I would like to visit:

I'd love to visit Italy. I've never visited a European country, but I have the dream of traveling to Italy, I feel a particular pull towards Mediterranean geography and culture, especially its gastronomy. 

I would travel there by plane with my family, particularly my mother and my sister Alessandra. I would spend as much time as possible there, but two weeks would be fine. 

I would like to visit heritage sites like The Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Roman Colosseum. Additionally, I would love to tour the Italian countryside and rural settlements. Finally, I would like to explore the Italian coast, swim in the Mediterranean Sea, and enjoy the scenic views. Throughout my journey, I would savor vegan cheese, vegan pizzas and pasta, experiencing the diverse Mediterranean flavors. 

Another country that I would like to visit is Greece to tour the historical and classics sites of the ancient Greek, especially Athens, such as the Parthenon. I have a particular interest in ancient Greek architecture.

Probably, a negative aspect would be the language barrier, I don't know anything about the Italian language.

That's all. 


                                       Here is a picture of Italian sea, specifically Amalfitana coast.   


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