A Job


Hello, in this blog, I will talk about a job I would like to have in the future. I would like to be a Geography teacher since I have always enjoyed teaching, education is something that I am passionate about. However, before teaching, I would like to work for a few years in the public sector in offices responsible for disaster risk management. I believe I have the necessary qualities to teach; I am patient and would like to implement teaching methods that are closer to the students, fostering a less hierarchical relationship between teachers and students.

I would like to teach Geography because I believe it is an empowering and territorial knowledge that interacts with students' popular knowledge, their bodies, experiences, and lives. It allows them to recognize themselves as actors in a territory and take agency in the social and environmental reality, such as in socio-environmental conflicts, phenomena of gentrification, territorial planning processes, water management, climate change, drought, disputes over space and resources, right to the city, etc.

My inspiration for this job is my friend Renata, whom I greatly admire for her strength, intelligence, and dedication. Also, for her convictions about the emancipatory role of education from a popular perspective as advocated by Paulo Freire.


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